Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Comic Reviews 10/3/06

Welp, I keep forgetting this blog is here. I had like 3 or 4 of the damned thangs and then got rid of 3 of them, just leaving myspace and this one. Well, off to the reviews:


Trials of Shazam #1 & #2: I was really excited, especially after seeing that Judd Winick was going to be writing the new mini-series. And I did miss the end of the big supernatural/magic battle that went on during Infinite Crisis. Sssssssssssoooooooo, it was a bit upsetting to see that Captain Marvel is being moved over and being made the new "Wizard". I guess I feel that Billy Batson and Marvel are being cheated. They used them so seldom, years went by with the character either not around or just doing tiny guest shots. The Jerry Ordway series was a delight but just apparently had a small cult following or I guess it would have been running up to Infinite Crisis instead of cancelled way before 100 issues. The new mini-series is good and there's some hard-core clever moments. But, the "old school" DC fan in me always resists serious changes. I like change, but there's so many characters being retired, died in the Crisis or missing. It's a lot to ask of someone who's been collecting since the '60s. Anyway, I recommend it, so far, a great series.

Mystery In Space #1: Well, this was a treat. The return of a DC Science Fiction hero and another (The Weird) that was a cool JLA mini-series that was an 'one-off' story arc. The story with Captain Comet brought us up to date on the character and started with a wild jump, the main character's death! And the return of "The Weird" was just a nice bonus. We nerdy, needy comic fans love when you return something either underused or seemingly lost to us, when it's done right. Another book you should pick up.

The Lone Ranger #1: Simply outstanding. A re-telling of how John Reid became The Lone Ranger after the murder of his fellow Texas Rangers that included his father and brother. The story was canon, the art fantastic and the new introduction of Tonto was a nice touch. I bought 2 issues (would have bought more but was low on funds) after reading the first page. This got my best new book of the month so far.

Punisher #37 & 38: Well, thank God, a return to what works in The Punisher, simple bloody action and revenge. It's a sequel to the story where Frank invaded a Russian missle silo to rescue the little girl with the bio-weapon inside her. The general that was in charge finally found out it was Castle and it's pay-back time in "Man of Stone".

Welp, more later, kind of tired, boobye for now!