Sunday, October 07, 2007

New Name, New Direction

Welp, I've decided to rename this blog and talk about all kinds of things, not just comics. I still love comics, well, not Marvel as much as I did since they murdered Cap, but I just don't read them as much as I did. I find myself just not enjoying the changes in so many titles and feel left behind. Hell, the comics I've enjoyed have been either indys or not superheroes at all. Pretty sad.

So, I'm gonna talk about everything I am into, not just comics.

Like the Richard Sharpe or Sharpe's Rifles series. This series is 21 books long and I am on the last one: Sharpe's Devil. 21 books and not a single bad or slow read in the whole bunch! This has almost never happened to me. Usually you get one a bit off or slow but every single one of them has action, suspense, some romance now and again and Sharpe's like the Age of Empires' James Bond. And there's 16 TV-movies made from the series, which I've seen 3 of so far. The first two were fantastic though the 3rd one was really off, not like the book at all. Anyway, if you want a great read, start either at Sharpe's Tiger (the first book with Sharpe's first adventure in India) or Sharpe's Rifles, the actual 6th book but introduces Sharpe to the 95th Rifles and his first command. I just hope the author, Bernard Cornwell hasn't stopped at Sharpe's Devil and maybe has some more adventures for us...

I also have been collecting classic TV shows lately. I want my kids to see what I grew up with before scum like Ronald Dickhead Moore and Icky Dick Eick totally destroy the rest of classic SF shows like they did with GINO-Fagglestar Gaylactica and the Bion-ick Womyn. At least the horrible BWINO's ratings dropped and hopefully that shit will be canceled soon. I hate that the chick that was so good in the UK show Jekyll became the fake pseudo-Bion-ick Womyn. Poor thing, hopefully she will get a better gig next time.

But anyway, yeah, the shows in the past weren't a huge and dramatic and grim as hell, but you could watch them and not think, geez, what are they shooting this episode in, a wet meat-locker with a green filter on the lens? Yep, maybe the shows in the 60's and so on were light and not deadly serious, but I never had to worry about the original Jamie Summers groping up some strange dude in a bar. Wow, now, let me explain that one to my two daughters, especially my 9 year old. Revisions and remakes mostly suck, suck, suck and then suck again. So, piss off and stop making them you jackasses!

Welp, that's it for now, more rants later...


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